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Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Cucumber Water


The temperatures in San Diego have been unusually warm this winter. Stay cool and hydrated with Lemon Cucumber Water. It’s a refreshing way to supercharge your water and reap the amazing health benefits.

7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Lemon Cucumber Water
1. Alkalizes the Body
“Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline body.” Lemons and cucumbers are alkaline forming foods that will help your body to function at its optimal level. A balanced pH is everything if you want to stay healthy.
2. Clear Skin
Lemon Cucumber Water is packed with Vitamin C, antioxidants, and silica. Silica is nature’s anti-aging secret. Lemon Cucumber water will cleanse toxins from your body that would normally erupt as unsightly blemishes
3. Muscular Health
The silica in cucumbers is a mineral necessary to keep connective tissue healthy. Add a few slices to your workout water bottle.
4. Promotes Healing
Vitamin C and anti-oxidants double as an immune system booster. Helping to fight free radicals and stay well.
5. Aids in Digestion
Citrus flavonoids stimulate and purify the liver. This is good if you’ve been partying hard and want to go on a liquor cleanse to re-balance your body. An entire cucumber averages about 45 calories and a lemon only 17, so a few slices in your water is not adding many additional calories.
6. May help you to drink more water
We like things that taste good. Better tasting water just may prompt you to drink more of it. Lemon & cucumber worked for me.
7. Boosts Energy Levels
Lemon Cucumber water first thing in the morning gives a nice boost. All thanks to the Vitamin C, potassium, and phytonutrients.

How To Make Lemon Cucumber Water
Add a few slices of cucumber and lemons to filtered water. When choosing lemons and cucumbers it’s best to buy organic. Look for cucumbers that are firm with smooth skin. Choose heavy lemons that have firm skin.

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